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Struggle in Uganda
Full Mission & 6 Principles
ULA Team
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Children's education, vocational opportunities and women's health and well-being are three very
important topics being covered by Samson Turinawe at the educational Workshop for Women 
ULA Projects
ULA Who We Serve

Our Mission at Universal Love Alliance is. . .

To empower our community toward an inclusive and diverse society; free from gender based violence; toward peaceful and harmonious living.  Read More

Samson Turinawe, Executive Director of Universal Love Alliance in Uganda with some of his Youth for Diversity Workshop Graduates and current members of ULA's Inclusive Clubs.

ULA's Ongoing Projects

ULA is delivering seminars in schools, churches and communities creating awareness on human rights. In particular, ULA focuses on education and assistance for women, children and sexual minorities in the districts of Wakiso, Mbarara and Kampala.


Universal Love Alliance is also urging the youth of Uganda to embrace reconciliation, dialogue, compassion, peace and love toward an inclusive society. As a result, seven ULM clubs called ‘Inclusive Clubs’ have been formed in schools with students that have participated in ULA’s workshops and influential programs.


These Inclusive Clubs help sustain and reinforce the ULA’s message of diversity and student workshops on acceptance. Also, over 300 Human Rights Handbooks have been donated to twenty schools in Kampala district.



A group of Grandmother's who are the primary caregivers for their grandchildren, celebrate ULA's much needed assistance.

ULA's Proposed Projects

Universal Love Alliance is proposing several new projects that support and further our ongoing agenda of diversity acceptance, empowerment of women, education for children, support for the elderly (especially grandparents who are familial caregivers), health awareness and HIV/AID's education, poverty outreach and childhood education.


It is our goal with these new programs in development  to establish a more sustainable community that can confront the effects of patriarchy, religious fundamentalism, religious extremism and pseudo African cultural beliefs.


Some of Our Objectives Include:

To establish a network of supporters, educators, defenders and activists made up of empowered women, sexual minorities' (WASM), youth ambassadors and other marginalized groups that have benefited from the ULA Organization. This group of ULA alumni, beneficiaries and advocates will help Universal Love Alliance continue its goal of 'Universal Inclusivity & Diversity Acceptance' in the five districts of Kampala, Wakiso, Jinja, Mukono and Mubende.


  1. To establish local easy to reach WASM rights watch centers that shall advocate, promote and protect the rights and interests of women and sexual minorities in their areas.

  2. To establish an effective, full time communication system for networking, knowledge and experience sharing, reporting and disseminating any other information concerning WASM amongst WASM rights defenders, activists, scholars and the international community.

  3. To enhance the capacity of religious and cultural leaders in addressing gender based violence using human rights and theological approaches.

Recent youth participants in ULA's Youth for Diversity Workshop
share some of the new ideas of tolerance  they learned. 
youth for diversity
youth for diversity
clergy for diversity
clergy for diversity
women's empowerment
women's empowerment
childhood education
childhood education
elderly caregivers
elderly caregivers
health & wellbeing
health & wellbeing
hiv+ & aids education
hiv+ & aids education
orphans needs
orphans needs
inclusivity clubs
inclusivity clubs
harmony gardens
harmony gardens
youth ambassadors
youth ambassadors
marginalized groups
marginalized groups
lgbtq+ Community 
lgbtq+ community
poverty outreach
poverty outreach
Youth For Diversity_ULA Foundation_Websi

"Through education, people develop an understanding to accept and include, as equals, people of marginalized groups – women, children, elders, sexual minorities, refugees."

Education of Women_ULA Foundation_Websit

In Uganda the Universal Love Alliance team gives workshops on acceptance and inclusiveness, focusing on educating groups that have a great impact in forwarding change – young people, parents, teachers, elderly caregivers, religious and spiritual leaders withink the community.

The inherent worth and dignity of every person.

Justice, equality and compassion in human relations.

Unconditional acceptance of one another and the encouragement of spiritual growth in all of our communities and congregations.

Everyone’s right to a free and responsible search for truth and meaning.

The celebration of conscience and the use of the democratic process within families, communities, congregations and society at large.

The goal of co-creating a world community based on the principles of peace, liberty, and justice for all.


At Universal Love Alliance,

We Believe In:

Grandma Caregivers_ULA Foundation_Websit



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youth for diversity
clergy for diversity
childhood education
elderly caregivers
health & wellbeing

ULA's Full Mission Statement, Goals & Six Primary Principles

Universal Love Alliance's Mission is to empower our community toward an inclusive & diverse society; free from gender based violence; toward peaceful & harmonious living.

Based on this Mission Statement, our Goals are as follows:

  1. ULA will carry out education, advocacy and counseling for the benefit of survivors of gender-based violence.

  2. ULA will work to transform perpetrators through​ the vehicle of positive masculinities.

  3. ULA will engage in dialogue with religious leaders, especially those within our oversight, on pragmatic and supportive approaches and modalities to prevent gender-based violence and the stigmatization of all sexual minorities.

  4. ULA will implement reform interpretation of scripture and sermons, instructing congregants to reconcile with those of different sexual orientations and to stop the persecution of those involved in sex work.

  5. ULA will denounce all forms of sexism, misogyny and homophobia.

  6. ULA will appeal to religious leaders to avoid all forms of extremist misinterpretations of the Holy Books.  Such misinterpretations lead to physical, mental and psychological violence.

  7. ULA will work to provide people of diverse sexual orientation with a place to practice, express and manifest their beliefs, as they like, without fear, panic, or threat.

  8. ULA will educate religious leaders to avoid interpretations of the Holy Books that lead to criminalization, execution, stoning, flogging, or the humiliation of people with various sexual orientations.

  9. ULA will convey messages of tolerance and reconciliation, to maintain a humane approach with regard to differences in religious views or public opinion.

Turinawe Samson


Turinawe Samson is a Ugandan humanitarian educator and the founder of ULM, who believes that “Love, inclusivity, compassion, tolerance, dialogue and reconciliation will lead to creating a world that is open to making peace and living together with others.

A generation which is reading, thinking and loving human beings, opening up and sharing their knowledge in the service of humanity with the understanding that every human being, whoever the person, should be respected simply for being part of God.

He condemns gender based violence such as domestic violence, corrective rape, homophobia, child abuse, murder, violence stemming from HIV and AIDS, poverty, disease, corruption, war, discrimination of marginalized people and all forms of exploitation teaching.


“These forms of violence that are perpetrated on persons who are different, considered weaker or viewed as non-humans. . .they are an affront to God’s purpose for our existence as human beings."  --  Turinawe Samson





ULA supports active non-violence and engages with advocates of gender to teach an interpretation of the Holy Scriptures that demonstrates respect for all human beings.

The Inherent

Worth & Dignity

of Every Person.







Help us change the lives of women, children, minorities & the elderly in Uganda through comprehensive educational programs that teach & facilitate unconditional tolerance, practical life skills, personal health & HIV prevention, care giving & youth outreach.


The ULA Foundation in the U.S. has 501(c)(3) status.

If you are a U.S. resident, your contribution will be tax deductible.

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