Temporary aid to someone in desperate need can provide a life saving lift, psychologically and emotionally; Encouraging them – letting them know that someone has their back.
This feeling is expressed by Komugisha Jolly, a refugee from Rwanda: Simple emergency aid, offered by the loving and compassionate Universal Love Alliance team, gave Komugisha a new sense of hope - a kick start in her quest for survival and the hope for a new future in Uganda.

My name is Komugisha Jolly, a refugee from Rwanda. I lost all my relatives to the genocide that happened in Rwanda in 1994. I came to Uganda when I was 16 years old and the people that helped me to enter Uganda changed my name from my Rwandan name of Kinyarwanda to a Ugandan Runyankole name, Komugisha. This was for security reasons.
I am now 40 years. After staying in the refugee camp for many years, I was given a letter that allowed me to stay near, but outside the camp in Omutyaza. Once outside of the camp I was able to work and earn a living.
I have five children and two of them are twins, none of them were going to school until ULA found me and started paying for one of them to attend school. ULA has given me clothes, soap and helped with my children’s medical bills. They have also provided us with counseling. Yes, I am still unsettled but I feel that ULA is given us the best gift, an education for my child and I call the ULA team my relatives. After the 24 years I have spent in Uganda as a refugee, I found a group of people to call my friends, my relatives; people that love me and my children regardless of the situation in which I am.